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App version: 3.4.3

Neptune API tokens

Your Neptune API token is like a password to the application. When logging metadata, the token is used to check if the account is authorized to send the data to the target Neptune project.

Find API token

To find your API token:

  1. In the Neptune app, expand the user menu.

  2. Select Get your API token.

How to find a Neptune API token in the Neptune app.

Configure API token

By saving the token to an environment variable, you avoid putting it in your Python code. Configuring your API token is more convenient and secure.

For details, see Save credentials as environment variables.

Shared API token

To use multiple API tokens, you can create a service account.

Service accounts are suitable for sharing and for non-human accounts, as workspace admins have control over all service accounts and their access.

Create a service account

To create a service account:

  1. In the Neptune app, expand the user menu.

  2. Hover over a selected workspace and go to Settings.

  3. Select Service accounts.

  4. Click New service account and enter a name.

    Service accounts are workspace-specific. Their names include the workspace name: account-name@workspace-name

  5. To grant the service account contributor access to all currently existing projects, check Add to all projects.

    If you skip this option or create new projects later, you need to specifically assign the service account to each project. You can do this in the project settings ().

Good to know
  • A service account can't be used to log in to Neptune.
  • A service account can have any project role, including Owner. However, it can't delete projects.
  • A service account can't access any projects automatically. To perform actions in a project, you must explicitly assign it to a project with a role higher than Viewer. You can do this in the project settings .

Find API token of a service account

To find an API token of a service account, go the project settings Service accounts.