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App version: 3.4.4

About Neptune Scale

Neptune is the most scalable experiment tracker for teams that train foundation models.

Neptune Scale is the next major version of the application. It's built on an entirely new architecture for ingesting and rendering data, with a focus on responsiveness and accuracy at scale.

  • Experiments: Monitor long model-training experiments with multiple steps and forks.
  • Charts: Visualize and compare thousands of metrics in seconds, with many additional configuration options.
  • Reports: Analyze groups of runs seamlessly, even from different projects.

Neptune Scale is currently available only to select customers. If you don't yet have access, sign up for testing.

Differences to Neptune 2.x

Neptune 2.x is the version that is currently available to all customers. Compared to 2.x, Neptune Scale introduces new functionality and streamlined navigation.

Because Neptune Scale is still in closed beta, not all features from 2.x have been ported.

Available features
FeatureNeptune Scale / 3.x ( 2.x (
Runs table
Experiment forking and history
Charts tab
Global chart controls
Single chart can show multiple metrics from multiple runs
Custom x axis values
Custom axis expressions
Chart step pre-filter
Side-by-side tab
Widget duplication
Dashboard full or partial duplication
Report view and edit mode
Report-specific run groups
Multi-project reports
Filter widgets inside report
File logging and preview
Artifact version tracking
Monitoring of system metrics
Logging of source code
Model registry
Project-level metadata
Parallel coordinates

Next steps