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App version: 3.4.5

Fetch metadata from a run or experiment


This page is for version 0.x of the Fetcher API. For the next major version, see Query metadata.

To connect to your project, first initialize a project object to perform the fetching on. Then, to access individual experiments and fetch their metadata, you can either:

  • Initialize a ReadOnlyRun object directly.
  • Fetch and iterate over multiple read-only runs with the fetch_read_only_experiments() or fetch_read_only_runs() method.
What's the connection between a run and experiment?

In the code, experiments are represented as runs. An experiment run has the experiment name stored in its sys/name attribute.

In the below example, a run is created as the head of the experiment gull-flying-skills:

from neptune_scale import Run

run = Run(

If a new run is created with the same experiment name, it becomes the new experiment head:

run = Run(

The vigilant-kittiwake-1 run is still accessible as part of the experiment history, but it's no longer considered an experiment.

Before you start

Install neptune-fetcher:

pip install -U neptune-fetcher

Initialize read-only project

To create a read-only project to operate on, use:

from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject

project = ReadOnlyProject()

If you haven't set your Neptune credentials as environment variables, you can pass the project name or API token as arguments:

project = ReadOnlyProject(
project="team-alpha/project-x", # your full project name here
api_token="h0dHBzOi8aHR0cHM6...Y2MifQ==", # your API token here

Option A: Initialize read-only run

You can create read-only runs based on either experiment name or run ID.

The name provided to the experiment_name argument at creation. Stored in the sys/name attribute.

project = ReadOnlyProject()
run = ReadOnlyRun(project, experiment_name="seagull-flying-skills")

Option B: Fetch read-only experiments or runs

The following methods return experiments or runs in the form of ReadOnlyRun objects:

project = ReadOnlyProject()

for experiment in project.fetch_experiments():

You can then fetch metadata from the individual run objects.

Accessing run attributes

Use the syntax run[attribute_name] to look up attributes and fetch the logged values:

Example: Initialize a run based on experiment name, then look up its ID
run = ReadOnlyRun(experiment_name="seabird-flying-skills")
run_id = run["sys/custom_run_id"].fetch()

To list the attributes of a run, use the .attribute_names property:

run = ReadOnlyRun(...)

Pre-fetch attributes to cache

To improve performance, you can pre-fetch metadata attributes to the internal cache. This way, access to the attributes' values is more efficient.

Pre-fetching metrics

To pre-fetch metric attributes to the cache, use prefetch_series_values():

run = ReadOnlyRun(...)
run.prefetch_series_values(["metrics/loss", "metrics/accuracy"])

# No more calls to the API

Then, fetch the values using one of the available methods:


For details, see Fetching series values.

How are metrics logged?

A metric attribute is created using the log_metrics() function. It's of type FloatSeries.

For details, see Log metrics.

Step range

To limit the step range to pre-fetch, pass a 2-tuple to the step_range argument:

paths=["metrics/loss", "metrics/accuracy"],
step_range=(100.0, None),

Neptune currently supports only a left boundary.

Progress bar

By default, a tdqm-based progress bar is used to indicate the download progress.

  • To disable it, set the progress_bar argument to None.

  • To use a custom progress bar, define a type of ProgressBarCallback and pass it to the progress_bar argument:

    Defining a custom progress bar

    To use a custom callback to visualize the download progress, define a class that inherits from ProgressBarCallback. Then, when fetching metadata, pass the type (not an instance) to the progress_bar argument.

    Example callback definition, using click
    from types import TracebackType
    from typing import Any, Optional, Type

    from neptune.typing import ProgressBarCallback

    class MyProgressBar(ProgressBarCallback):
    def __init__(self, *, description: Optional[str] = None, **_: Any) -> None:
    from click import progressbar

    self._progress_bar = progressbar(iterable=None, length=1, label=description)

    def update(self, *, by: int, total: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
    if total:
    self._progress_bar.length = total

    def __enter__(self) -> "MyProgressBar":
    return self

    def __exit__(
    exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
    exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
    exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
    ) -> None:
    self._progress_bar.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
    Using the callback


To speed up the fetching process of metric attributes, you can use multithreading. To enable it, set the use_threads parameter to True:

paths=["metrics/loss", "metrics/accuracy"],

By default, the maximum number of workers is 10. You can change this number with the NEPTUNE_FETCHER_MAX_WORKERS environment variable.

Pre-fetching configs

run = ReadOnlyRun(...)
run.prefetch(["parameters/optimizer", "parameters/init_lr"])

# No more calls to the API

optimizer = run["parameters/optimizer"].fetch()
lr = run["parameters/init_lr"].fetch()

For more examples, see Fetching single values.

How are configs logged?

A config attribute is created using the log_configs() function. It can be one of several simple types, such as Float, Datetime, or String.

For details, see Log configs.

Fetch metadata values

Once you've obtained a read-only run object, access its attributes with run[attribute_name] and then use a suitable fetching method to download the metadata from the attribute.

run = ReadOnlyRun(...)

# for faster access, optionally pre-fetch attributes to cache
run.prefetch(["metrics/accuracy", "metrics/loss"])

Fetching metrics (series values)

To fetch metric values as a pandas DataFrame, use fetch_values():

acc_values = run["metrics/accuracy"].fetch_values()
loss_values = run["metrics/loss"].fetch_values()

Timestamps and inherited metrics are included by default. To leave them out, use:

limited_loss_values = run["metrics/loss"].fetch_values(

To fetch only the last logged value, use fetch_last():

loss_final = run["metrics/loss"].fetch_last()

Limit step range

To fetch values from a limited step range, pass a 2-tuple to the step_range argument:

loss_values_from_step_100 = run["metrics/loss"].fetch_values(step_range=(100.0, None))

Neptune currently supports only a left boundary.

Configure progress bar

By default, a tdqm-based progress bar is used to indicate the download progress.

  • To disable it, set the progress_bar argument to None.

  • To use a custom progress bar, define a type of ProgressBarCallback and pass it to the progress_bar argument:

    acc_values = run["metrics/accuracy"].fetch_values(
    Defining a custom progress bar

    To use a custom callback to visualize the download progress, define a class that inherits from ProgressBarCallback. Then, when fetching metadata, pass the type (not an instance) to the progress_bar argument.

    Example callback definition, using click
    from types import TracebackType
    from typing import Any, Optional, Type

    from neptune.typing import ProgressBarCallback

    class MyProgressBar(ProgressBarCallback):
    def __init__(self, *, description: Optional[str] = None, **_: Any) -> None:
    from click import progressbar

    self._progress_bar = progressbar(iterable=None, length=1, label=description)

    def update(self, *, by: int, total: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
    if total:
    self._progress_bar.length = total

    def __enter__(self) -> "MyProgressBar":
    return self

    def __exit__(
    exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
    exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
    exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
    ) -> None:
    self._progress_bar.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
    Using the callback

Fetching configs (single values)

To fetch a value of a simple type, call fetch() on the attribute:

Fetch float value
f1 = run["scores/f1"].fetch()
Fetch datetime value
created_at = run["sys/creation_time"].fetch()

Fetching tags

To fetch tags as a dictionary of strings, use:

tagset = run["sys/tags"].fetch()