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App version: 3.4.6

Construct Neptune URLs

You can construct Neptune app URLs based on run or experiment properties.

Constructing experiment URL

If a new run becomes the head of an experiment, Neptune automatically switches to visualizing the new run in the web app.

To construct a URL that opens the run for a given experiment:

  1. Navigate to the app section that the URL should open.

  2. In the URL, set runIdentificationKey to the experiment name:{Workspace}/{Project}/runs/...&runIdentificationKey={ExperimentName}&type=experiment

    {ExperimentName} is the name passed to the experiment_name argument at run creation. It's displayed in the Name column of the runs table.


Constructing run URL

To construct a URL that opens a particular run, use the following schema:{Workspace}/{Project}/-/run/?customId={CustomRunID}

{CustomRunID} is the identifier you pass to run_id at initialization. It's stored in the sys/custom_run_id attribute.


Point URL to specific tab

To target a specific tab in the focused run view, append:


where {TabName} is one of the following:

  • metadataAll metadata tab
  • chartsCharts tab
  • dashboardDashboards tab


Constructing URL for filtered view

To create a URL that leads you to a filtered table view, use the query parameter:{Workspace}/{Project}/runs/table?viewId=standard-view&query=(...)

For example, to see all runs with the trial tag:


To see all runs with either the trial or script tag:


To see all runs with both the trial and script tags:


Example link:

Constructing URL in code

If you have the custom run ID set to run_id and the project path set to the NEPTUNE_PROJECT environment variable, you can generate the URL with the following Python string:


Get URL to latest run

To get and print the URL of the latest run in your project, you need the neptune-fetcher package. To install it:

pip install -U neptune-fetcher

Then, to fetch the latest run:

from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject

project = ReadOnlyProject()
latest_run_id = project.fetch_runs()["sys/custom_run_id"][0]

To apply a filter, use fetch_runs_df(). For example, to get the latest run created by yourself:

from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject

project = ReadOnlyProject()
latest_run_id = project.fetch_runs_df(
owners=["YOUR_NEPTUNE_USERNAME"], # replace with your username


To get the URL for your run:

import os
from random import random
from neptune_scale import Run
from neptune_fetcher import ReadOnlyProject

project = ReadOnlyProject()

run = Run(run_id="PX30SG002")
# Once the run has synchronized, you can fetch its ID from the server
latest_run_id = project.fetch_runs()["sys/custom_run_id"][0] # returns PX30SG002
