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App version: 3.4.8

Fetch run metadata

Python package: neptune-fetcher

Experiments consist of runs. By default, the Fetcher API returns metadata only from experiment head runs, not all individual runs.

Use the following fetching methods for runs:

To work with runs in your code:

  1. Import the runs module:

    from neptune_fetcher.alpha import runs
  2. Prepend runs to the method call:

  3. Instead of the experiments parameter, use runs:


Note the difference in identifying runs versus experiments:

  • Experiments are characterized by name (sys/name). This is the string passed to the name argument at creation.
  • Runs are characterized by ID (sys/custom_run_id). This is the string passed to the run_id argument at creation.


from neptune_fetcher.alpha import runs

runs=r"^speedy-seagull.*_02", # run ID